Application: Single flavour soft serve machine. Ideal for tuck shop, small coffee shop or restaurant. Production Capacity: 15lt Per Hour Product Code: SST002 Dimensions: 500mm x 730mm x 690mm Volts: 220V Power:1100W

Application: Two flavour plus mix soft serve machine. Ideal for tuck shop, small coffee shop, restaurant or ice cream parlour Production Capacity: 23lt Per Hour Product Code: SSF001 Dimensions: 545mm x 730mm x 815mm Volts: 220V Power:1700W

Application: Floor Model Two flavour plus mix soft serve machine. Ideal for tuck shop, small coffee shop, restaurant or ice cream parlour. On castors. Production Capacity: 23lt Per Hour Product Code: SSF001 Dimensions: 545mm x 730mm x 1600mm Volts: 220V Power:1700W

Precool Function Application: Floor Model Two flavour plus mix soft serve machine. Machine has pre cooling function which keeps the hopper where ice cream is stored cold, therefore speeding up production .Ideal for Ice cream parlour or frozen yoghurt store. Perfect for frozen yoghurt. On Castors. Production Capacity: 28lt Per Hour Product Code: SSF002 Dimensions: 545mm x 730mm x 1600mm Volts: 220V Power:1700W

Precool/AirPump Application: Floor Model Two flavour plus mix soft serve machine. Machine has pre cooling function which keeps the hopper where ice cream is stored cold, therefore speeding up production . Airpump function pumps air ice cream for fluffier consistency, also creates more yield per litre of ice cream used.Ideal for Ice cream parlour or busy take away store. Perfect for Soft Serve. On Castors. Production Capacity: 28lt Per Hour Product Code: SSF003 Dimensions: 545mmx 730mmx1600

Precool/Airpump Floor Model Two flavour plus mix soft serve machine. Machine has pre cooling function which keeps the hopper where ice cream is stored cold, therefore speeding up production. Airpump function pumps air ice cream for fluffier consistency, also creates more yield per litre of ice cream used.Ideal for Ice cream parlour/busy take away shop. Perfect for Soft Serve.High Capacity Production Capacity: 35lt Per Hour Product Code:SSF004 Dimensions: 545mmx 730mmx1600mm Volts: 220V

Precool Application: Floor Model Two flavour plus mix soft serve machine. Machine has pre cooling function which keeps the hopper where ice cream is stored cold, therefore speeding up production .Ideal for very busyIce cream parlour or frozen yoghurt store. Perfect for frozen yoghurt. Production Capacity: 45lt Per Hour Product Code: SSF005 Dimensions: 545mm x 730mm x 1600mm Volts: 220V Power:1700W